am0eba - HOME PLANET

About the song:

I can't recall how this one started, but musically, it was intended to capture a little bit of the feel I get from listening to early Yes - especially passages created by guitarist Steve Howe... Lyrically, on the other hand, it was intended to evoke what an astronaut trapped in a space station might be feeling as he recalls life on Earth... Later, a listener pointed outto me that there is a post-human element present in the whole thing, and I instantly got the feel of a post-human entity reminiscing about being human...

(Image: "Earth STS118" - NASA)

"...dreaming here beside me
you breathe across my skin..."

stream a pre-release version on SoundCloud:


Home Planet

lain beside the surf
lazy watching waves
rise and fall and surge
sand and sun and sound

all is perfection

all is perfection

leaning back on tree
branching canopy
shade and breeze and calm
watching dogs and children run

all is perfection

all is perfection

stones in distant shapes
sail against horizon
clouds a sea of waves
silent, slide away

all is perfection

all is perfection

dreaming here beside me, you
breathe across my skin
time does not exist
all without, within

all is perfection

all is perfection

(home is where the heart is...)

Created 07APR2018
Contents © 2018 Dave Read