About the song:

This one came from a family visit to the mountains near Ogden, Utah. After spending s few days feeling the presence of these masses of earth all around me, I got a mysitcism thing happening that came out in the form of this song. The "windy" sound is a combination of several samples of Middle-Eastern conversations overlaid and heavily processed... And no guitars were used on this track either...

(Image: "Fat Man In The Granite" by William P. Brown III)

"...the mountain knows
the wind it blows
the ocean sees..."

stream a pre-release version on SoundCloud:


The Mountain Knows

Umm Hmm Umm Hmm Umm Hmm

Umm Hmm Umm Hmm Umm Hmm

I know the things the mountain knows
The mountain knows

I hear the things the wind it blows
The wind it blows

I see the things the ocean sees
The ocean sees

I see the things the ocean sees
The ocean sees

Umm Hmm Umm Hmm Umm Hmm

Umm Hmm Umm Hmm Umm Hmm

I hear the things the wind it blows
I know

I know the things the mountain knows
The mountain knows

I see the things the ocean sees
The ocean sees

I see the things the ocean sees
The ocean sees

The mountain knows
The wind it blows
The ocean sees

The mountain knows

Created 07APR2018
Contents © 2018 Dave Read